HSE Oil & Gas Excellence 2019Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

HSE Oil & Gas Excellence 2019
  • We have all been to the process safety training where you are introduced the standard theory and models of asset integrity, justified by the videos showing impacts and root causes of the Black Swans – those thankfully rare, disasters which dominate the news for a few days and gain the attention of the public and management – and the seminar delegates. We learn that asset integrity failure is often the top event of these rare and often statistically unlucky incidents, when the holes in the swiss cheese of defences line up are create that first unintended mishap.This is often quite a small and easily rectified event in isolation, but if it is left unchecked triggers the disaster.The seminar presenter then emphasises the need to identify the root cause which is rarely the whole story and demonstrates this by leading a discussion highlighting that there are multiple contributory failures in prevention of threat and recovery, which are then dutifully recorded on a white board. This is all fine of course. It does not though provide much in the way of advice for practical implementation for you as the delegate, relevant to your own situation. Something you often realise only when back in your normal workplace! This seminar aims to take the story further and seek out and document some practical solutions relevant to asset integrity management consider not just the technical advice but also the essential step of communicating the plan to management, the workforce and potentially other stakeholders.
  • The basic approach here is to demonstrate that the goals and methods of improving efficiency and reducing HSE risk often align. Improved efficiency will often close the holes in the Swiss cheese of HSE risk systematically. We will use case studies and Bow Tie Methodology to demonstrate this and apply examples of both quantitative and qualitative risk assessment.
  • Then using the same framework, we will look at a range of scenarios which might challenge the reliability of an established Health Safety and Environmental Management Systems (HSE MS) and impact the asset integrity. This starts with the conflicting goals of different internal and external stakeholders in the project value chain such as design, contracting constraints leading to suboptimal design, commissioning and operations. The challenges of control in contracting. This issue is highlighted and discussed by delegates reviewing a series of internal audit reports with solutions developed both from delegate experience tutor guidance.
  • The scope of changes considered in the case studies will then be expanded to provide insight and facilitate discussion in preparing for planned reorganisation, recovery from an inadequately managed initiatives, increasing workforce diversity, downsizing or strategic move towards full nationalisation of including competence assurance requirements for critical tasks as barriers to failure and preservation of organisation knowledge and documentation in asset integrity. The prevailing thread will may be the hallenge of managing asset integrity maintaining safe operations whilst improving efficiency and or the increasing new norm – change, making recommendation whether this can be achieved as part of normal operations or requires a project approach.
  • In day 3 we look at Process Safety Management– Risk Management and Operations starting on the basic philosophy of primary containment–keep it in the pipe and looking at a range of approaches to achieve this including both qualitative and quantitative approaches such as HAZID, HAZOP, MOC,HEMP, QRA, FTA, FMEA, FMECA and LOPA.
  • To enable a structured approach some sessions, make use practical use of the risk framework, terminology and common based on Bow Tie. There will also be guidance and case study discussion on how to be a successful auditee and make proactive use of asset integrity monitoring, audits and management review for presenting to case to gain resources and continual improvement of asset integrity.
  • Learning through both presentation and discussion with the module leader and other participants.
  • Pre-course questionnaire and a “get to know you” icebreaker at the beginning of the module. So far as is practicable the level of presentation and discussions will be adjusted to the expectations and current level of awareness and competence of individual delegates.
  • Practical Solutions: Each delegate will develop a structured action plan for their own business situation based on the existing business plan or an identified need for step change. This will include a communications strategy.
    • Recognising differences between risk perception at the senior leadership level and in front line perations–communication strategies to manage this to practical advantage
    • Balancing the “can do approach” and having the confidence and evidence to make and support a “stop now” decision Techniques of developing and gaining management and workforce support.
    • Use of appropriate communication strategies and presenting a risk-based case through the HSE MS (Health Safety and Environmental Management System) using the language appropriate to your business culture and different audiences
    • Competence assurance strategies for dealing with change affecting integrity management such as, in reorganisation, cultural diversity, nationalisation, downsizing document the plan.
    • Strategies for maintaining information–Work Procedures, Procedure, Records, Plans, Electrical information, P&ID’s etc Corporate memory. Incident records.
  • HSE Directors
  • HSE Managers
  • Corporate HSE Audit Personnel
  • Risk Managers
  • Operations Managers
  • Engineerin and Integrity Managers
  • Site Controllers
  • Strategic Planners
  • Process Safety Managers
  • Purchasers of HSE Support Services
  • Business Development Heads / Managers
  • Maintenance Managers / Heads

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