4 quick ideas to boost employee engagement

Employment engagement is based on a two way commitment between an organization and its members. Employment engagement not only benefits the individual performance but also contributes towards the success of the company. In order to provide the right condition for an employee so that he gives his best each day, one has to follow innovative and meaningful employee engagement activities such as:

  • Promoting healthier options at workplace
    “In Italy, they add work and life on to food and wine” who would agree to this? By creating a positive, safe and healthy environment for employees, you can increase your employees work life balance and in turn positively impact your business. Well, the benefits of having a healthy workplace is that healthier employees are absent less often. You will also be able to reduce accidents and work related ill health, sick pay costs, insurance costs, and pressure on employees covering for those who are absent.
  • Uplift ongoing coaching and training
    “Every interaction is an opportunity to learn”. The best employee engagement ideas come from the interaction people in the team naturally have with one another. When dealing with various tasks, instead of bringing in an outside trainer, use an on- site person with expertise to show new staff. This not only builds a bond between the new staff and older staff but also facilitates cross departmental working.
  • Give your people inside information
    Keep your employees up to date with inside information. Keeping employees up to speed on changes in strategy, resource allocation and product development makes them feel in a circle of trust. Whereas limiting their access to information can lead to a feeling of distrust. A regular insider meeting or a Q & A sessions can be kept.
  • Create a quiet room where employees can relax
    This room should be the heart of the company. Many companies fail to notice that a short break or refreshment is required, something that helps employees to get their second wind when they need it most. Stock this room with the best possible products and be sure those products meet the needs of your team.

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