World Class Leadership Development Excellence 2017Date: 6th to 8th November 2017, Dubai

World Class Leadership Development Excellence 2017


Throughout your leadership journey, you must continuously assess your plan so that you lead your project to completion on time, and within budget.

“40% of new management hires fail within 18 months, 82% of the time, the reason; a failure to build good relationships” – Center for Creative Leadership”

What if you knew how others preferred to communicate and you could connect with anyone? Excellent interpersonal communication skills are the most powerful skills you can possess; true for every employee and especially true for managers. In this course, you’ll partner with a colleague to gain deeper insight into other styles. You’ll also learn to connect with a variety of individuals and build relationships. We’ll discuss key leadership principles fundamental to your success, such as self-awareness, effective communication skills, and team-building concepts.

“Worldwide, only 13% of employees working for an organization are engaged” – Gallup

With so many variables that can derail an effort, managers must inspire team members to keep their focus on the overall purpose and work together. Values are the glue.

If you think of values like magnets: marketed to attract like-minded people, when lived, you retain your best and brightest, so that you create that elusive culture that sets apart the most successful teams.


  • Understand that self-awareness is key to effective leadership
  • Recognize four communication styles, seven motivators, and three decision-making styles
  • Realize your strengths, blindspots, and weaknesses and how they affect your performance at work
  • Share your insights with your peers
  • Recognize styles and motivators, strengths and blind-spots, of others and how to apply them within your leadership role
  • Discover why living your values impacts your ability to influence
  • Realize that building relationship is critical to effective communication
  • Compare and contrast power, authority, and responsibility and how it relates to your everyday work environment
  • Understand why self-awareness and values drive organizational success

Who Should Attend

  • Emerging Leaders: individuals identified as successor candidates and/or high-potentials.
  • Senior Leaders: individuals serving as strategic leaders with enterprise-wide focus and long-term impact, e.g. General Managers, Vice Presidents, Business Unit Leaders, Staff Function Leaders and C-suite Executives
  • Leadership Teams: intact leadership teams (the direct reports of those people listed in the “Senior Leaders” description above) who customize their experience to achieve a unique off-site team experience that blends leadership development, team building, and annual reviews




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