World Class Infrastructure Project Finance 2018Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

World Class Infrastructure Project Finance 2018

Public-Private-Partnership(PPP) projects have been a vibrant part of infrastructure development in the Middle East and Asia over the last two decades. In recent years, development of infrastructure PPP projects is taking on a larger profile in middle to large size African countries. Under impetus of the PRC government Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), selected countries, PRC government loans are funding major state infrastructure projects. Over time, there is expectation that BRI projects will be more often under the PPP model driven by large financial commitment of PRC-based investors and lenders. From initial experience in Pakistan and several other countries, BRI propelled PRC investment remain mostly undertaken by State Owned Companies, many of which have roots and culture in the construction industry and limited exposure to overseas long term ownership of infrastructure assets.

African PPP project stakeholders can and will be able to get up the learning curve quickly by review of both recent Africa experience and longer history lessons learned from Asia and the Middle East. In Africa, as in most economies, services such as power generation, transportation – rail, road, ports and airports – water, solid waste, health, and education are seen as essential services, which the economy and population require for sustaining economic growth and development. There are many candidate projects for PPP amongst these sectors so prioritization and selection must be done carefully.

Based on recent experience in regional markets, governments need to be discerning with regard to developer capacity and experience and developers need to be selective with regard to government wherewithal particularly to meet deadlines. Good choices mean quality projects are delivered according to performance specifics – on budget and on time. Bad choices lead not only to failed projects but to delayed or uncompleted projects.

The Masterclass is intended to inform attendees on:

  • a) The options available to PPP project developers, contractors and funding sources.
  • b) Early stage identification of critical path items which must be resolved for project implementation to prudently proceed.
  • c) Risk-Reward parametres for major stakeholder which factor into overall PPP Risk Allocation Structuring.
  • d) Better understanding how the Belt and Road Initiative concept could work for PPP’s in emerging market countries that are being priority targeted.
  • Better understanding of the business and institutional dynamics of each major stakeholder in the PPP Project Development and Finance Process.
  • What the Belt and Road Initiative can deliver in terms of PRC developer and bank investment capital for PPP Projects.
  • Practical experience of Belt and Road driven PPP projects from other regions.
  • Lessons learned from more than 2 decades of successful and unsuccessful PPP project development.
  • Evaluation of Project Risks assessment on different sources of equity and debt funding.
  • Prudent Risk allocation and Contractual Framework between Government and Project Developer.
  • The separate and unique role of construction and operations contractors. Understanding and addressing inborne conflicts between Shareholder and Contractor roles.

All professionals involved in Infrastructure Project Finance from across Banks, Financial Institutes, Government Agencies, Project Sponsors, Financial Institutions including Multilaterals and Export Credit Agencies, as well as Consulting and Advisory Firms.

  • Head of Project Finance
  • Head of Corporate Banking
  • Head of Structured Finance
  • Treasurer
  • Project Manager
  • Analyst
  • Project Sponsors
  • Development Banker
  • Contractors
  • Project Consultancies
  • Chief Credit Officer
  • Chief Investment Officer / Investment Manager
  • Export Credit Agencies
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Chief Finance Officer
  • Chief Operating Officer

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