Strategic Procurement and Sourcing Excellence 2017Date: 24th to 26th July 2017, Malaysia

Strategic Procurement and Sourcing Excellence 2017


Globalization has been the dominant economic trend for more than two decades and not only has it fundamentally changed the world we live in, but it has changed procurement and sourcing too. It has transformed procurement’s role, scope and importance, changing it from a bureaucratic order filling function into a business strategic imperative. Today’s most successful global corporations owe their success to a new form of procurement and sourcing. They could not operate successfully in a global market without advanced and effective integrated procurement and sourcing. This

Today’s most successful global corporations owe their success to a new form of procurement and sourcing. They could not operate successfully in a global market without advanced and effective integrated procurement and sourcing. This

This 3 day workshop explores some of these advanced procurement and sourcing strategies and skills. Over the three days we will build the critical capabilities required of a contemporary procurement and sourcing professional working in a global environment and through case studies and examples from other global organizations bring these strategies and skills to life.

Procurement and sourcing is the ultimate source of competitive advantage. Suppliers are expected to maximize product availability and supply flexibility, fuel innovation, minimizing inventory and investment levels whilst minimizing costs. That is no easy task.


  • Learn how to Explore Invest in The impact of globalization on an organisation’s procurement & sourcing activity
  • Procurement’s role, scope and importance as a strategic imperative
  • The impact of procurement and sourcing on shareholder value
  • The critical capabilities of advanced procurement and sourcing in a global context
  • Build stronger relationships and understanding between procurement and the CEO and CFO through recognized improvement in shareholder value to drive incremental value improvement in your spend categories
  • Build collaborative supplier relationship strategies that deliver lower cost and increased supplier value delivery
  • The powerful influence of procurement and sourcing on their organization’s financial performance
  • How you can enhance your performance Your own personal development through this interactive workshop that focuses on the key capabilities that you need to enhance your career in procurement and sourcing the basic principles of enterprise resilience and cyber resilience

Who Should Attend

  • VPs, MDs, GMs, Heads, Directors, Senior Managers, Managers, Senior Level Executives from:
    • Procurement / Purchasing Sourcing
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Materials Management
    • Commercial Projects Risk Management
    • Internal Control
    • E-Sourcing



To know more about the workshop

Client Testimonials