Strategic HR Leadership through People Analytics October 30 - Nov 2, 2023 Hotel Sheraton, Kuala Lumpur

Strategic HR Leadership through People Analytics

Data is the new Gold. Data driven decision making is increasingly shaping organizations make better decisions in all aspects including marketing, finance and now, HR. HR professionals are playing a pivotal role in shaping the success of an organization. Progressive HR professionals are helping their organizations drive growth and profitability by making better HR decisions by leveraging data and deploying people & HR analytics.

This workshop will allow participants to look at the entire HR value chain and how they can harness the power of data and elevate their stakeholder management skills. They can drive superior decision making with leaders using analytics. HR analytics is the most in-demand skillset that HR professionals wants to build(global study from Gartner).

This 3-Day upskilling program has been designed to build functional knowledge in the area of HR analytics. Our approach is to focus on identifying and generating the right analytics linked to talent and business challenges and then using data charts, dashboards, visualization to build skills around deriving insights, how to we tell stories and make data based and analytics focused decisions. This program will help develop critical thinking and showcase participants to view, manage and handle data in a new way.

Key Benefits of Attending this masterclass

Skill Enhancement: Workshops offer hands-on experience and practical training in HR analytics techniques, critical thinking and case studies. Participants gain new skills and improve their analytical capabilities, making them more effective HR professionals.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: HR analytics workshops empower participants to make informed decisions based on data and evidence rather than relying solely on intuition or past practices. This leads to more effective and strategic decision-making.

Problem Solving: Workshops will include case studies and practical exercises that simulate real-world HR challenges. We will showcase global examples on how other companies use analytics to solve some of their biggest people related issues.

Business Alignment: HR analytics workshops emphasize aligning HR strategies directly with business goals. Attendees learn how HR metrics and analytics can contribute to organizational success and growth.

Data Interpretation: Interpreting data is a crucial skill. Workshop will teach participants how to extract meaningful insights from data visualizations and reports, enabling effective communication to leaders.

Networking: Workshops provide opportunities to interact with peers, industry experts, and instructors. Networking can lead to valuable connections, knowledge sharing, and potential collaboration.

Career development: Developing proficiency in HR analytics can enhance career prospects. Attendees who demonstrate analytical skills and a data-driven mindset will be considered for more strategic roles within their organizations.

This “must attend” training program is suitable for anyone working in the HR field who would like to learn and upskill themselves in people analytics.

Aspiring & Incumbent CHROs, Directors, VPs, Division Heads, GMs, Senior Managers, Team Leaders, Executives & Specialists in:

  • Human Resource
  • HR Policy Development
  • HR Analytics & Business Strategy
  • Talent Management
  • Training & Development
  • Learning & Organisational Development
  • Performance Management
  • Succession Planning
  • Leadership Development
  • Employee Relation
  • Retention & Acquisition
  • Recruitment
  • Internal Training
  • People Management
  • Business Improvement
  • Skills Development
  • Knowledge Management
  • Administration

This high interactive program is designed for middle to senior HR professionals and draws upon real life
case studies and exercises to impart practical skills to the attendees.

      Client Testimonials

      For more information, you may contact:
      Linda Taylor