Protecting Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Intellectual Property 2017Date: 26 to 28 July 2017, Malaysia

Protecting Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Intellectual Property 2017


Intellectual Property: is your organisation sitting on a goldmine or about to step on a landmine? And, is your life sciences organisation sufficiently equipped to identify and deal with those situations? Almost everybody knows that inventions and names can be protected and that you should not

Almost everybody knows that inventions and names can be protected and that you should not plagiarise someone else’s work. However, do you, and those working with you, know the full extent of what can be protected in your industry? What do you do if someone else trespasses on your organisation’s patch? Worse, what if they say that your organisation is trespassing on theirs? What pitfalls are out there? In the life sciences industries, which are so reliant on the existence and enforcement of their intellectual property rights (IPRs), ensuring that people in your organisation have a reasonable grasp of the answers to these sorts of questions is crucial. Your

In the life sciences industries, which are so reliant on the existence and enforcement of their intellectual property rights (IPRs), ensuring that people in your organisation have a reasonable grasp of the answers to these sorts of questions is crucial. Your organisation’s IPRs may be its most valuable asset. Can you, or others in your organisation, afford to be operating in the dark?


  • There are three principal areas where delegates will increase their understanding/awareness.
  • The IPRs that may exist at their organizations, how to protect them and maximise their potential.
  • What to do, or not to do, when a potential IP dispute arises and the remedies available.
  • How systems of essentially national IPRs fit into global markets.
  • The details of what will be presented to delegates are set out in the Agenda. However, it is the above that are fundamental to a good grasp of those details.

Who Should Attend

  • Mid to senior management professionals with a remit in organisational resilience such as:
    • Business leaders
    • Corporate risk managers
    • Security managers
    • Operations managers
    • Internal audit professionals
    • HSE managers
    • General Counsel / legal directors



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