Investor Relations & Corporate Reputation Management Excellence 2017Date: 15th to 17th March 2017, Malaysia


Today’s global business environment requires companies to build relationships with a wide variety of stakeholders. For listed companies investors are a key stakeholder. Best practice Investor Relations is evolving as regulations, technology and the audience for the equity story changes.

Pro-active Interaction with investors brings many benefits from enhancing corporate reputation, effective use of senior management time and ultimately reduction to the cost of capital.

Led by an accomplished practitioner with over twenty five years’ experience this interactive three-day course helps companies with strategy and actions to build stronger relationships with key financial stakeholders. To achieve this the course uses many case studies and examples, encouraging discussion of shared experiences.


  • Appreciate how IR can support Corporate reputation, the board and the governance story
  • Understand regulations and disclosure rules that effect Investor relations
  • Learn how to develop an IR strategy to address goals based on analysis of your current situation
  • Develop your investment story to create investor awareness
  • Maximise your interaction with fund management firms, sellside, advisory firms and the media
  • Develop practical tools and techniques of IR programme activities including roadshows, website and annual reports
  • Gain insight into the evolving nature of print, digital and social media
  • Benchmark your own IR practices against best practice

Who Should Attend

General Managers, Directors, Heads, Vice Presidents, Senior Managers, and Executives and Spokesperson of:

  • CEOs
  • CFOs
  • CIOs
  • Finance Directors
  • Company Secretariat
  • Strategy
  • Marketing
  • IR Directors
  • Head Investor Relations
  • IR Managers
  • Treasury Directors
  • Head of Corporate Communications and PR
  • Business Continuity
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Risk Management
  • Crisis Management
  • Media Relations




To know more about the workshop

Client Testimonials