Internal Audit, Fraud & Forensic Auditing Excellence 2019Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Internal Audit, Fraud & Forensic Auditing Excellence 2019
  • The pace of business change is unrelenting, new risks emerge on a regular basis as the commercial imperative requires companies to embrace new technologies and different systems, while remaining competitive.
  • In the face of such change, Internal Audit needs to be at the cutting edge both in terms of the way in which it conducts its work as well as the way it interacts with senior management, shareholders and regulators. The extra-territorial reach of both the US and other regulators now means that Heads of Audit and Senior Audit Managers cannot afford to be complacent in their approach to the assignments they undertake, as the outcome of their work will often reach an even a wider audience than originally intended.
  • The course is designed to enhance the range of skills needed by the Internal Audit executive to lead their team in a more effective manner. It will examine a strategic approach to internal audit, followed by an in depth review of the more important fraud topics facing companies today. It will then look at some of the key soft skills that need to be employed to best achieve the audit objective.
  • At the core of the course there will be a focus on fraud of all types, with a deep dive into aspects such as procurement, payments as well as telephone and email fraud, with tips as to how internal audit can educate the business avoid the risks.
  • It examines in a practical way the best methodology for uncovering the risks extant and how to deal with them. It is a “hands on” course which requires active participation from delegates and will involve case studies, workshops and role play scenarios to best illustrate the issues involved.

Delegates will get the opportunity to look at a wide variety of topical subjects that face both the Risk Manager and Internal Auditor on a regular basis.

In addition to formal presentations, delegates will be able to draw on the experience of the presenter as well as other attendees in a series of workshops and discussion groups designed to tease out the issues they face and help provide practical solutions.

Topics which will be covered include:

  • An approach to forensic auditing.
  • The report process and how to streamline it.
  • Fraud in its many guises, how to recognise the signs.
  • What a fraudster might look like in your organisation.
  • How to address the “ever present” threat of procurement fraud.
  • The impact of Bribery & Corruption on the audit process.
  • The effects of financial statement fraud.
  • The perception of internal audit by the organisation.
  • Measuring the culture of your organisation.
  • Cybersecurity and the effect an attack may have on your organisation.
  • How money laundering affects your business and what you might do to combat it.
  • An identification and prioritisation of your key stakeholders.
  • Interview techniques to maximise the impact of your meetings.
  • Running a project cross border and the implications of culture.
  • The importance of data to the organisation and how to control it.
  • How we might measure our own success.
  • Director
  • Chief Internal Auditor
  • Chief Risk Officer
  • Head of Compliance
  • Head of Finance / CFO
  • Head of Fraud & Inspection
  • Head of Vigilance
  • Account Managers
  • Company Secretaries
  • External and Internal Auditors
  • Internal Audit Managers
  • Audit Committee Chairs and Members
  • Regulators
  • Corporate Governance

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