Global Health, Safety And Environment Excellence 2020Date: 12th - 14th February 2020 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

  • World-class Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) performance involves more than mechanically applying a safety management system. It requires the involvement of everyone in the organisation, from top to bottom, utilising knowledge at all levels, and fully integrating HSE within everyday behaviour. It involves ‘winning hearts and minds’.
  • Outstanding performance and continuous improvement will only be achieved when there is a culture in which the elements of the management system can flourish. Creating an optimal culture is done by creating a solid foundation consisting of: Leadership commitment (visible and felt) and line management responsibility, adequate and functional management system, solid risk assessment for all critical activities, solid investigation process, lessons learned is shared, adequate and sufficient training at all levels, and a functional consequence management system.
  • Winning hearts and minds is about getting everyone to work safely, not because they’ve been told to, but because that is the way they want to work and that is the way they know how to work. It is about making safety a fully integrated part of working behavior, and in the process easier to manage.Solving one aspect without the other will resolve in inconsistencies and limited employee commitment. This workshop will address systems issues, human behavior and culture issues and will discuss how to effectively integrate these efforts towards achieving outstanding results.
  • Gain insight in the fundamentals of an Organisational (and especially HSE) Risk Management System framework and how to ensure its operability and success
  • Understand key aspects of Visible and Felt Leadership to make the systems work, resulting in optimal HSE performance
  • A thorough understanding of what is risk and risk perception.
  • Manage and prevent specific (HSE) risks (especially of process safety) effectively through risk and hazard identification analysis and prevention of loss of primary containment.
  • Basics of the Bow tie and how to use it.
  • Understand and learn how this works for chronic exposure in occupational health and environment.
  • Focus on how this pro-active risk management can be improved continuously by learning from incidents.
  • Understand how to develop a HSE culture to ensure zero incidents by understanding human behavior and how to use too.
  • HSE Directors
  • HSE Managers
  • Corporate HSE Audit Personnel
  • Risk Managers
  • Operations Managers
  • Engineering and Integrity Managers
  • Strategic Planners
  • Process Safety Managers
  • Purchasers of HSE Support Services
  • Business Development Heads / Managers
  • Maintenance Managers / Heads

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