2nd Annual Cyber Resilience Excellence 2017Date: 19th to 21st April 2017, Malaysia


Cyber attacks against companies are on the increase. They are becoming more
sophisticated, destructive and costly. Cyber security is no longer an IT problem, it is major boardroom concern. The risks posed by cyber criminals are enormous – theft of money and data from corporate and customer accounts, disrupted services, sabotaged IT systems and damaged reputations. The most serious attacks can hit revenues and profits so hard that a company’s very existence is threatened.

This comprehensive course aims to provide business leaders with key mechanisms that
organisations must develop to respond positively to change and to recover faster from

Delegates will be given the right risk and governance frameworks, tools and approaches to develop organisational resilience. Within that context we focus our understanding on two of the most rapidly changing and unpredictable risks:
geopolitical risk and cyber risks, in order to allow them to better prepare their businesses for likely threats and opportunities.


  • Understand the basic principles of enterprise resilience and cyber resilience
  • Understand how to identify risk and translate this into a risk management strategy
  • Understand how to respond in a crisis, both in terms of business continuity and crisis Management
  • Understand the term cyber security and the evolving cyber threat landscape
  • Understand how to treat cyber security as a business risk – and roles & responsibilities
  • Where to focus cyber protection to get the most from your budget
  • Explore how crisis and resilience management will fit into your organization

Who Should Attend

  • Mid to senior management professionals with a remit in organisational resilience such as:
    • Business leaders
    • Corporate risk managers
    • Security managers
    • Operations managers
    • Internal audit professionals
    • HSE managers
    • General Counsel / legal directors
  • Chief Information Security Officers,
  • Chief Risk Officers,
  • IT directors / Chief Information Officers
  • Board members who know that cyber security is important, but wish to improve their knowledge and awareness.




To know more about the workshop

Client Testimonials