Corporate Governance and Director Duties Excellence 2017Date: 4th to 6th December 2017, Dubai

Corporate Governance and Director Duties Excellence 2017

Seamus’s Major Achievements

Former Policy Director at the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA). He authored ICSA’s guidance on ‘Boardroom Behaviours’, led the working group which produced the FRC’s ‘Guidance on Boardroom Effectiveness’, and oversaw the production of ICSA’s technical output, including its best practice Guidance Notes on boards and directors.

Originally a senior policy adviser for the UK government, and was Private Secretary to John GummerMP, Secretary of State for the Environment, and John PrescottMP, Deputy Prime Minister.

He oversaw a number of significant policy initiatives including the Kyoto Protocol, and the development of London Docklands and was seconded as an advisor to the French government on private finance and governance issues.

Has helped over 100 boards to improve director, board and corporate performance.

Has reviewed the processes and practices for winning the business of over 100 companies.

Held positions as the Company Secretary and Director of Regulation at Anglian Water (later AWG) plc, and as Head of Public Policy and Regulation at O2 plc, now part of the Telefonica Group.

He has spoken at over 100 conferences and congresses in over 40 countries.


  • How to build an effective board of competent directors.
  • Directors’ duties and responsibilities.
  • The challenges and opportunities facing directors and boards, and how they should be addressed.
  • The distinction between direction and management, and how to create more competent directors and more effective boards.
  • How directors are and should be prepared for the boardroom.
  • The differing conduct of successful and unsuccessful boards and how to develop a winning boardroom team.
  • Develop key result areas for your board and individual directors.
  • Identify the relevant legislation of the Companies Act and the applicable guidelines of corporate governance codes of conduct best practices.
  • Understand the correlation between good corporate governance and shareholder value creation and wealth maximization.
  • Handle directors dilemmas and adopt approaches that support innovation and business development.
  • Typical obstacles to director contribution and board effectiveness and how they can be overcome.

Who Should Attend

  • Mid to senior management professionals with a remit in organisational resilience such as:
    • Chairman
    • CEO / COO
    • Director
    • Chief Internal Auditor
    • Chief Risk Officer
    • Head of Compliance
    • Head of Finance / CFO
  • Head of Fraud & Inspection
  • Legal head /Director
  • HR Directors
  • Secretary to Boards
  • Company secretaries
  • Audit Committee Chairs & Members
  • Regulators
  • Corporate governance professionals




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