Corporate Governance, Culture & Board Dynamics 2019Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

  • A highly effective board of directors makes a significant contribution to the governance and success of an organisation beyond its statutory requirements and is a powerful source of added value for shareholders and stakeholders.
  • There is a growing responsibility on boards to ensure that increasing regulatory governance expectations are met by their organisations, expectations which are becoming increasingly culture focussed.
  • But regulatory pressure should not be the only driver of the board’s focus on governance and organisation culture. Boards should ensure that the companies they oversee not only comply with such rules but also cultivate an authentic culture which defines and drives the beliefs and values of the company itself.
  • Culture within the Boardroom is as important. It is a key determinant of the effectiveness of the board in leading and directing the business and in its ability to achieve its full potential. Board culture encompasses the set of values, beliefs, thinking and norms for behaviour. It is in some ways an elusive concept for boards, impacted by the sometimes unpredictable interaction of a wide range of people, process and performance dynamics, and is often implied rather than explicitly expressed.
  • This masterclass examines these challenging and sometimes competing factors, and uncovers the benefits of aligning organisation culture, board dynamics and effective corporate governance to drive transformational change in organisation performance.

Enhance your understanding of:

  • How to drive transformational change in your organisation’s performance through transforming your board’s performance.
  • How to enhance the strategic transformational capability of your board.
  • The importance of the board’s leadership on culture.
  • The criticality of positive board dynamics on organisation performance.
  • Board best practices and oversight essentials.
  • What real board diversity is about.
  • The benefits of cultivating a culture of performance evaluation.
  • The evolution and essence of effective corporate governance.
  • Boards’ failings in recent high-profile governance failures.
  • Arrangements within an integrated organisation-wide governance framework.
  • The problems with dysfunctional boards.
  • The board’s role in crisis management and prevention.
  • Board communication and stakeholder engagement.
  • Chairman
  • Executive Directors
  • Non-Executive Directors
  • Board Committee Chairs and Members
  • Company Secretaries
  • Chief Executive Officers
  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Chief People Officers and Heads of Human
  • Resources
  • In-house General Counsel and Heads of Legal
  • Chief Risk Officers
  • Chief Internal Auditors
  • Heads of Governance
  • Heads of Compliance
  • Corporate Governance
  • Professionals and Advisers
  • Governance Legal Advisers
  • Regulators

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