Corporate Governance & Conflict Management 2019Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Corporate Governance & Conflict Management

This program will address key corporate governance issues faced by boards and principal board committees. Public companies and their directors and officers face increasing responsibilities, and even increased risk of liability. They are also under intense scrutiny and in at least some cases significant pressure from investors and regulators. Changing investor expectations and increased investor willingness to seek or force change, through activist campaigns and other methods, have changed the environment in which directors and officers and their advisers operate. These developments have been complicated by significant legal and regulatory changes, including evolving standards under Delaware law and SEC and other federal developments in rulemaking and enforcement. Corporate governance provides the framework within which directors and officers must operate in fulfilling their responsibilities. In-house and outside advisers are called on both to provide day-to-day counselling and to address crisis situations in the corporate governance context. Our program will both highlight the fast-moving market and legal and regulatory developments that directors, officers and their advisers face, as well as provide practical guidance as to how to address them. This course also couples mediation process with practice in communication skills needed for effective work in governance board settings. Through lecture, clinical exercises, role play, reflective listening skills practice, and group discussions, you will be able to measure the degree to which you achieve the objectives described in your roles, assess how well you are able to preserve your relationships with others, and connect mediation skills with theoretical and philosophical corporate governance practice allowing you to function better as a board director.

  • Delegates will build their network and hear about winning strategies to cement themselves as the ‘go to people’ in their organisation.
  • They will be aware of, and consider your own values, goals and approaches to conflict and dispute resolution.
  • They will be able to understand and be able to apply key concepts related to interest‐based consensual mediation including conflict analysis, preparation, mediation and dispute resolution in the boardroom.
  • They will be able to apply elements of process and skill needed to address diversity in culture and varied world views apparent in the boardroom.
  • They will receive tactics, tips and toolkits to work smarter and secure success.
  • Further understand the power that sits in your hands by unlocking your emotional intelligence and applying winning strategies.
  • Confidently design and implement good governance models in your organisation.
  • Better equipped to handle conflict and disputes in the Boardroom and between senior management and directors.
  • Revived passion for your role and its scope as Company Secretary.
  • Provide greater clarity of the role of the company secretary in facilitating corporate governance, and support for the Board.
  • Understand the range of tasks associated with the work of the company secretary. Explore the legal authority (and obligations) of the company secretary.
  • Explore the legal authority (and obligations) of the company secretary.
  • Company Secretary
  • Chairman
  • CEO / COO
  • Director
  • Chief Internal Auditor
  • Head of Legal
  • Corporate Governance
  • Professionals
  • Head of Compliance
  • Head of Finance / CFO
  • Head of Vigilance
  • Secretary to Board
  • Audit Committee Members
  • Regulators
  • Chief Risk Officer

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