Chief Legal Officers General Counsel & Company Secretaries Excellence 2019Date:11th - 13th November 2019 Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotels & Towers Dubai

In order to effectively operate and manage an in-house legal and company secretarial department, one needs to have a very good and sound understanding of the dynamics of an in-house legal and company secretarial department, what its purpose is and how it is expected to operate in order to meet the expectations and requirements of the business.

This workshop explores and unpacks:

  • The dynamics of an in-house legal and company secretarial department.
  • The roles of Paralegals, Legal Advisors, Senior Legal Advisors, Company Secretaries, and those that manage in-house legal departments, namely the Chief Legal Officers (CLO), General Counsel (GC) and Company Secretaries (CS), and the educational level, expertise and required competencies of these professionals who make up the in-house legal team.
  • The “how to”, of getting to know and understand the organization and industry which you work for, its strategies, its people, its culture and its requirements and expectations for its legal department and team of legal advisors.
  • The need for and role played by external legal service providers.
  • How to act as an ethical advisor, free from conflict of interest and when legal privilege can be claimed or relied on by an in-house legal department.
  • The types of legal documents required for your business or operation and how to correctly draft and manage them.
  • Regulatory compliance and the role played by Legal Teams and Company Secretaries to manage legal and regulatory compliance risk, including the building of a compliance culture.
  • The requirement for corporate governance and the role played by Legal Teams and Company Secretaries in establishing and retaining sound corporate governance practices within their organizations.
  • How to effectively communicate, negotiate and state the legal and business position and case for the organization, in a manner that sets the correct tone, and which is understood and followed.
  • The use of legal technology.
  • How to effectively manage and lead legal teams as well as business teams, if the need arises.
  • How to deal with boards directors, and senior executives and wining their trust, respect and the ultimate seat at the board room table.


Transform yourself from a legal advisor to a trusted legal and business advisor at CEO level

  • Provide you with unique, first-hand knowledge and experiences of other GC’s, Company Secretaries and legal executives who operate around the world, through the use of case studies and practical examples
  • Provide you with an understanding of sound Corporate Governance requirements for today’s business
  • Teach you how to become a modern legal business leader, and how to prepare for future challenges internally and externally.
  • Provide you with indispensable knowledge and skills, as well as with broad analytical concepts, tools, and the mindset which GC’s, Company Secretaries and legal executives need in order to manage and lead world class legal departments into the future.

Importantly the 3- day master class will provide answers to important questions such as:

  • How can GC participate more effectively in Chief Executive level conversations and influence the process of strategic decision-making in their organizations?
  • What Corporate Governance requirements are required for today’s business and which GC can pick up and pass on to their directors and the C-Suite.
  • How can GC develop an essential toolkit of skills in crucial areas such as strategic analysis, corporate governance, and leadership?
  • How can GC prepare themselves optimally for the current and future changes in their vocational roles by proactively acquiring a repertoire of highly effective behaviours?
  • Chief Legal Officer (CLO)
  • General Counsel (GC)
  • Company Secretary (CS)
  • Senior in-house lawyer
  • Head of Legal
  • Secretary to The Board

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