Anti Money Laundering & Counter Fraud Terrorism 2018Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Anti Money Laundering & Counter Fraud Terrorism

The purpose of this seminar is to provide an overview of AML/CFT Issues. We will discuss what money laundering and terrorist financing are and why they are concerns in the modern world and we will review the Legal structures that apply to AML/CFT, such as the Financial Actions Task Force (FATF) 40 Recommendations, U.S. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Guidance, and the European Union (EU) 4th Directive on Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing.

To begin the seminar we will address how a financial institution should develop a sound AML/CFT Program. This will include implementing appropriate policies, procedures, and practices an institution should have in place to ensure proper controls, testing and training. We will then discuss how to build a customer’s profile to establish the normal activity for the account in order to know what the expected activity for the account will be in order to determine what is suspicious. Other integral parts of the seminar will discuss how to risk rate your institution and your customers to include identifying Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) and other high-risk customers.

The most important part of the seminar will be a discussion of the Suspicious Transaction/Activity Process. We will analyze and discuss how a financial institution should identify, monitor, and report suspicious transactions/activity, with a special focus on how to write an informative Suspicious Transaction/Activity Report.

After attending this seminar you will understand why an effective AML / CFT program is so important and how you can benefit by adopting and implementing such a program. You will learn all of the issues your program should contain, what international standards are for such a program, and how you should report transactions/activity that are indicators of illegal activity.

  • Front-Line BSA / AML Staff
  • Account Opening Staff
  • Customer Relationship Staff
  • Risk Managers
  • BSA / AML Officers
  • Compliance Officers
  • BSA / AML Audit Staff
  • Directors
  • Senior Managers
  • Training Officers
  • AML / CFT Regulators
  • FIU Staff
  • Chief Risk Officer
  • Chief Compliance Officer
  • Director of Risk
  • General Managers

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