Annual Corporate Governance & Director Duties Excellence 2020Date: 2nd - 5th March 2020 Doha, Qatar

  • This advanced workshop will examine traditional and emerging duties that directors, both executive and non-executive must fullfil and get an understanding of how good corporate governance supports their capability to do this. Traditional duties, such as the long-term viability of the organisation, fiduciary responsibilities and sound corporate leadership remain important yet our ability to maintain high standards in our duty-of-care are being challenged by new technical and socio-political developments. Cyber-security, environmental concerns, stewardship practices and financial audit reform are high on the agenda of governments and regulators.
  • Our four days together will reveal innovative and practical approaches to governance so that the organisation can retain administrative and operational excellence during normal and turbulent times. Board members, senior officials and managers will understand what is necessary for effective adaptation in the execution of their duties, by enabling response to a continually changing business environment. Each day has a key question that the day’s programme will aim to answer
  • Understand the range of duties associated with being a director.
  • Identify how business excellence is achieved through directors executing their duties.
  • Be clear about the influence governance has on both the long-term and short-term objectives and outcomes.
  • Know how to develop administrative and operational behaviors within the board and throughout the organisation to achieve both administrative and operational excellence.
  • Obtain practical and experience-based advice on issues and concerns.
  • Distil key takeaways that can be put into action on return to the workplace.
  • Identifying the different governance and stewardship requirements within the organisation and how they influence director’s behavior and attitude.
  • Understanding and addressing the new challenges to business from environmental concerns to running a business reliant on technology in a 24/7 global market.
  • Recognizing the growing importance of an ethical culture and leadership responsibilities in promoting this within the organisation and across the supply chain.
  • Encouraging a flexible and adaptive board room.
  • Achieving business excellence by combining all these traits
  • Chairmen and women of boards and of board sub-committees.
  • CEOs.
  • C-suite executives
  • Directors of IT, Finance, HR, Risk, Legal, Compliance, Audit and Communications
  • Company Secretaries
  • Boardroom Executives.
  • Independent and Non-Executive Directors.
  • Corporate governance professionals.
  • Regulators.

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