Advanced Risk – Based Internal Audit Excellence 2018Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Advanced Risk-Based Internal Audit Excellence 2018

Despite all efforts, the January 2018 Global Economic Forum in Davos concluded risks are up, again. Both in terms of probability and impact and the time it takes to recovery. New risks like inequality; climate change; polarisation, protectionism and the aging population, peaking in the top 5. Existing risk factors such as internal controls, financial reporting and fraud are also expanding and getting more dynamic, complex and interlinked.

New policies and rules have targeted substantial reductions in the levels of risks. Markets have been flooded with liquidity; prudential oversight was improved (e.g. governance, risk taking, bonuses); and companies were forced to increase solvency. Commitments to combating corruption and cooperation between regulators and law enforcement agencies have put pressure on companies to mitigate fraud, bribery and corruption risks. There is a growing consensus that increasing disclosure and transparency and prosecuting companies, directors and executives, will help tackle these issues.

The call for better internal audit work is loud and clear. Their assurance work needs to have a tighter focus on the biggest risks at hand and provide more value-add to support the primary stakeholders in their decision-making.

This 3-day program will explore the role of Internal Audit in providing risk-based, value-add assurance to its stakeholders. Delegates will work through exercises and case studies to better understand how to deliver risk-based audit strategies that add stakeholder value. As part of the focus on the emerging risk profile, day 3 will be dedicated to fraud, cybercrime and privacy.

  • Understanding today’s risk profile and trends and developments in governance and compliance.
  • Understand the increasing expectations of internal audit and deliver value for stakeholders while applying innovative risk-based approaches.
  • Deepen your understanding of the expanding risk-universe and how risk-based strategies, leveraging control and culture help to maintain an acceptable level of risk.
  • Reassess the fundaments and concepts of assurance within the Three Lines of Defense to help build your own world class internal audit strategy and framework meeting stakeholder expectations.
  • Discuss how to practically deliver on the internal audit strategy and plan in a risk-based manner.
  • Understanding the role and responsibility of the auditor in finding, investigating and reporting compliance breaches and fraud.
  • Discuss compliance breaches and fraud and how to approach forensic investigations.
  • Evaluate tools and techniques you use in your assurance, consultancy and forensic work.
  • Working with risk management, compliance, legal counsel and other specialist resources in delivering on full scope assurance to the Board.
  • Improving communications with the Board, Executives, Regulator and External Auditor.
  • Director
  • Chief Internal Auditor
  • Chief Risk Officer
  • Head of Compliance
  • Head of Finance / CFO
  • Head of Fraud & Inspection
  • Head of Vigilance
  • Account Managers
  • Company Secretaries
  • Internal Audit Managers
  • Audit Committee Chairs and Members
  • Regulators
  • Corporate Governance

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