Advanced Retail Banking & Branch Profitability Excellence 2018, KenyaDate: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

Advanced Retail Banking & Branch Profitability Excellence 2018, Kenya

Retail banking has changed significantly over the last few years, following the impacts of the global financial crisis but particularly due to the rapid growth in new alternative channels of distribution emanating from the new digital era – mobile as well as social media. In today’s increasingly competitive world for retail banks keeping up to speed with key trends and desired changes is challenging. These changes are creating significant challenges and placing pressures on banks to balance revenue growth alongside the pressures on cost management and making it difficult to understand how to drive more value from expensive physical networks.

The African environment has a wide range of current challenges including credit and risk issues, political challenges, inflation and cost pressures as well as growing populations demanding more services enabled through digital opportunities. It is therefore important to tackle these challenges, to equip retail bankers with the knowledge to enable them to balance the challenges of today with the need for future success. Having the unique benefit of a global expert and former banker who has direct experience of the local market place is invaluable – that is what this programme offers.

  • Enhance your banks growth and revenue opportunities, product development ideas, marketing and customer interaction.
  • Understand the channel challenges today and learn of how leading banks are growing branch revenue whilst managing lower costs.
  • Appreciate the challenges and opportunities in the “drive to digital” and how to implement them within the African environment
  • Learn about the best methods of integrating channels for maximum sales benefits and customer advocacy
  • Understand about how driving loyalty is essential to higher retention and cross sales. Learn how to develop measurement systems to create a competitive advantage locally.
  • Learn how to create an environment in branches where costs fall, sales increase and customers want to buy your products
  • Learn about how to cope with the new challenges such as social media.
  • Understand the influence of branch design can influence sales performance and customer behaviour
  • Appreciate the potential future profitable role of the branch in a developing digital world
  • Learn how the best retail banks produce more revenue from new clients over the first 3 years through focused on-boarding programmes
  • Learn about new distribution channels such as mobile phone technology and how it might drive growth at lower costs for your bank
  • Learn how to drive increased productivity from the branch sales force
  • Appreciate how to be a leader in your marketplace
  • Understand the best alternatives in rewards / recognition and incentives to drive up branch performance and reduce channel competition
  • What are the optimum structures to introduce to effectively manage the retail bank in the future
  • Creating the right branch culture – how? What can be learnt from non-banks?
  • Learn what skills are required in tomorrow’s new generation branch- how do you recruit and train in the new world of retail banking?
  • Understand the barriers banks build that stop customers buying – how do you do something about it?
  • Learn how to develop a buying culture as opposed to a sales culture for increased performance
  • Heads of Retail Banking / Branch Banking / Private Banking
  • Head Branch Network Management
  • Distribution Heads and Specialists
  • Regional Managers and Branch Managers
  • Head Delivery Channel Strategy
  • Head of Sales and Commercial Development
  • Head Of Customer Service
  • Customer Experience Directors / Managers
  • Head of Service Quality
  • Head of Marketing / Marketers
  • Head of Operations

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