Advanced Distribution & Grid Management Excellence 2017Date: 6th to 8th November 2017, Dubai

Advanced Distribution & Grid Management Excellence 2017


Today utilities worldwide are undergoing a major change in both the challenges they face and the ability to modernize fast enough to deliver expected results. The course draws on real experience from around the world to make sense of the current options that are being considered as a strategy to manage this transformation and the tactical decisions that are required to re-configure utilities for the
21st Century.

The course will track the advances in distribution and grid management from Distribution Network Operators towards Distribution Systems Operators. The advent of the Demand Side being part of the power system balancing mechanism rather than just a user beyond the meter. The relationship between the various interfaces Generation, Transmission and Distribution and the other side of the meter will be investigated. The impact that smart metering is having, or not, and the way active
network management is changing the distribution network from a passive to an active part of the solution will be debated. How does Information and Communication Technology (ICT) converge and align with Operational Technology (OT) – the so-called IT/OT convergence. How Cybersecurity and Privacy are either enablers or disablers of forwarding momentum. An insight into how community energy and the rise of local solutions are impacting planning and utility scale forecasts.

Finally, the consideration of how whole system power system management including the impact of policy, legislation, regulation, commercial, technical and societal
acceptance is now being embraced to understand how to configure the utility of the future for success and deliver the required needs of its users into the future.


  • To learn and apprise yourself of the current thinking globally on the major issues facing the industry and the thinking and solutions being deployed elsewhere
  • To debate with your peers and learn from their experiences
  • To understand how new technologies, processes, and people are being deployed effectively in an era of fast pace transformation understand how to respond to a crisis, both in terms of business continuity and crisis Management
  • To garner practical understanding of how key aspects of your business are changing and how you can have impact in that decision-making process
  • Raising your awareness and contribution to solve some of the key challenges affecting your business today, from technical, commercial, market structure and societal acceptance
  • Equipping you with the tools and motivation to make a difference in your business and professional career in the field of Distribution Energy Management

Who Should Attend

  • Utilities, Vendors, Consultants, Service Providers with an interest in solving future challenges for their business. From Board Room to practitioners: CEO, CFO, COO, Directors, and Division Heads, General Managers, Senior Managers, Managers, Analyst and Engineer of the following disciplines:
    • Grid operations engineers and directors
    • Service and network planner
    • Consultants and system integrators
    • Regulatory and policymakers
  • Technology innovators and equipment vendors
  • Energy storage, communications, and power control solutions providers
  • Energy providers and technology vendors
  • Financial and investment industry professionals
  • Network strategies and executives at investor-owned,
  • municipal, and rural utilities




To know more about the workshop

Client Testimonials