8th Annual SME Banking Excellence, 2018Date: 11th to 13th July 2018, Bangkok, Thailand

8th Annual SME Banking Excellence

With more than half of the world’s people and businesses, Asia’s prospects are bright if it can harness the energy and ideas of its SME sector. This requires an orientation for banks towards the scale and approaches of SMEs that differ from the traditional corporate sector. These new approaches require that banks establish proper strategies, oversight mechanisms and analytics, while also introducing new products, services and processes to capture this business. To address this need, the course will provide an overview of SME strategy development, bank governance and management requirements, customer relationship management and SME-oriented products, financing methods and impact on bank ratios, credit risk management and scoring systems.

  • Strategic considerations for banks in designing SME exposures and risk management
  • Market, industry and firm-specific information for business development, relationship management and strategic planning purposes
  • “Digital banking” characteristics including blockchain, “fin-tech” and related new technologies (e.g., linked sensors, Big Data for analytics)
  • The role of ICT in supply/value chains, and how SMEs can generate economies of scale while still remaining SMEs
  • International trends in risk management and regulation, and how these impact bank capital and liquidity management
  • Early warning indicators, risk limits on exposures, and approaches to problem loans and default management

If you want to improve your banks performance then you should be there!

  • Head of SME Banking
  • Heads of Marketing
  • Regional Managers and Branch Managers
  • Distribution heads and SME Specialists
  • Head of SME Product Development
  • Strategic Planning Personnel
  • Credit Management Department
  • Bank Risk Managers and Compliance Officers

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