5th Annual SME Banking Excellence 2017Date:10th - 12th July 2017 , Johannesburg,

5th Annual SME Banking Excellence 2017


SMEs are the engine of growth to most economies around the world and many Financial Institutions have made this a key focus in recent years. But in order to capture this growth opportunity in a crowded market including the new FinTechs, a set of disciplined and structured client driven processes must be built and managed. This course will provide insight into many of the critical enablers needed to build a client-focused SME business, both what works and what does not.

Areas covered will be SME Strategy, building a differentiated value proposition, how to maximize effectiveness through client segmentation and sales coverage, developing high-quality sales processes, building a positive client experience, managing the portfolio, and more.


  • Be able to establish an active and dynamic SME Banking business within their bank;
  • Be able to identify loan, deposit and fee-based products most suited to their respective markets;
  • Identify, within their own markets the SME business segments to focus their marketing efforts;
  • Establish policies, procedures & approaches for gathering industry, business and financial information that streamlines & supports the SME credit applications process.

Who Should Attend

  • Head of SME Banking
  • Head of Marketing
  • Head of Business Banking
  • Head of Sales overall for SME / Business Banking
  • Head of SME Product Development
  • Head of SME Segment Management
  • Head of SME Business Performance SME specialists Distribution
  • Heads Regional Managers and Branch Managers



To know more about the workshop

Client Testimonials